Our Promise

EPIC Globe provides a durable storage solutions that are built for
endurance, security and speed.

Designing Premium and Reliable Storage Solutions

At EPIC Globe, our key focus is to serve our clients by presenting solutions with faster speed, endurance and reliability so that the application can accomplish critical tasks even under the toughest operating conditions. Therefore, organizations around the world have faith in our services and trust EPIC storage and memory devices to achieve medical and security application needs.

EPIC Data Storage Solutions

EPIC Secure SD Card

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EPIC AES-Encrypted USB

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Get in Touch

You need more information about us?

Find us at the office

  • USA: P.O. Box #571, Nassau, DE, 19969
  • Taiwan: 9F, No. 232, Fumei Road, Beitou District, Taipei 112, Taiwan
  • Singapore: 175A Bencoolen Street, #06-01 Burlington Square, Singapore 189650

Contact Us